Dear #followers, today we'll discuss about this #amazing practice applied to #social #media , remember, we're here to become #stars #fashionbloggers #suggested users,not for making real friends. So, first of all, choose wisely your VIP victims : #fashion designers, great photographers,movie stars; never, please never, people under 20k followers. So, let's start, wet your tongues and be ready: say that you love their work, ask details,don't forget to comment a Birthday, the family's pet eating disorder ( I've seen Valentino's pugs shitting wildly on the beach) ; now, move around your tongue, taste every inch,ask for an opportunity to meet, then,deeper in wide circles, ask about their excellent techniques; if photographers, ask them the way they edit their stunning pics, their favourite lens, do always ask for a tip about their work, show that you want to be like them. Ask James Franco about his last gay project and tell him what an impact it had on your Life.Be direct now, let them feel how warm is your "embrace", try to breath deeply your new status: dare to ask for a gift, a necklace, a tshirt that you'll proudly wear on pubblic occasions, a novel that you will read on public, a mobile number. Don't be embarassed if you feel some disappointment, work with that tongue like no tomorrow, go on, great people are usually too polite to stop you. Now, go practice and tell me everything about your increased skills in the next days .
"Saint-Simon in his Mémoires relates that Cardinal Alberoni gained Vendôme's favor when he was received in the same way, but reacted adroitly by kissing the duke's buttocks and crying "O culo di angelo!". The duke was amused, and this joke started Alberoni's brilliant career. When the French forces were recalled in 1706, he accompanied the duke to Paris, where he was favourably received by Louis XIV."
Source : Wikipedia ( do always donate )
Giuseppe Boscaro junior aka Jason Bolkano è un’esperto di arte e antiquariato, convertito al WEB 2.0. In rete la sua anima un po’ barocca, un po’ illuminista ha intrapreso la via di Instagram per raccontare la città più "raccontata" del mondo. Iger e blogger appassionato, grazie alla profonda conoscenza della città e della laguna, crea percorsi inaspettati alla scoperta di Venezia . Consulenti d’eccellenza i suoi 4 gatti, rigorosamente veneziani. Parla veneziano, italiano, serbo e inglese.